
Need to reach a consensus? Move ahead with an action plan?
Improve team cooperation?

Sometimes it's not what you know, but how you say it. If you say it at all. Big Dashan's Facilitation Services ensure critical meetings and teams stay on track and meet their objectives.

Big Dashan Offers Two Facilitation Services

Executive Retreats
Based on team dynamics, Big Dashan helps executives navigate the agenda and accomplish the task at hand. And that's not always easy with a room full of powerful leaders with well-defined opinions. Using the right mix of process and human psychology, master communicator Denis Lévesque helps the group achieve a successful outcome.

Team Building Sessions
Using the Birkman Personality Profile Method®, we deliver Big Dashan's Team Building sessions in several stages:

  • Define the Personality Types. Initially, individual team members explore different personality types, why specific behaviours occur, individual needs, and adjustments required to work cohesively with one another.
  • Build the Team Unit. Now that the team understands the different personalities within their group, we focus on team-building activities to improve overall team comfort and performance.
  • Measure for Success. Big Dashan works with management to create a concise framework to set clear expectations prior to the session. Management can use that same framework to follow up with team members and ensure all goals are achieved and the team is integrating its newly learned skills and concepts into the workplace.
  • Follow Up Support. Finally, as individuals grasp the implications of their personality style, some choose to use our coaching services to continue to improve their "soft skills" and overall performance management.

Book your session now! Email us or call 613-841-1229.

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... coaching increases retention and application of learned skills in the workplace. In case studies where coaching was used to support training, productivity rose 88%, four times greater than the productivity increase experienced by those who were not coached.
- Coaching in Organizations: Best Coaching Practices from the Ken Blanchard Companies

Copyright © Denis J. Lévesque | Site by: Mark Maloney